Field Distillation Unit installed by INR, Under Aroma Mission: May, 2019

Venue: At Byrwa, Niangbari, Pyndenglitha, Cham cham, Nongriangka, Umkrem, Chongpotgre
Objectives: To promote the processing and extraction of essential oils for agri-bussiness
Participants: Fountain green Joint Liability Group(Ri-Bhoi), Smt. D. Nongrum(Ri-Bhoi), Pyndenglitha Puin(East Khasi Hills), Cham cham IVCS(East Jaintia Hills), Nongriangka IVCS(West Khasi Hills), Umkrem circle Aromatic plantation and production Group(West khasi Hills), Larry enterprise(South West Garo Hills)
Outcome: At present the team has installed 8 numbers of Field Distillation Unit.The annual oil production is 5 tonne

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